Monday, September 21, 2009

Thank You

12th Spetember 09 will mark a special day in my dairy for two loving brother Vijay's birthday and my very first opportunity to coordinate a stall...not just any stall...but the most anticipated, most sought after and the MOST SWEETEST stall of all (literally) the cake stall.

A week filled with loads of baking, wrapping paper and ribbons and cupcake cases and cookie cutter all over the house......we were in desperate mode the night before the Fair. My good friend Jin ...ever so reliable, dependable....every virtue one could expect in a real friend came to my rescue. Armed with both her kids and husband, she was at my door step at 8.30pm and we started wrapping, all the goodies. With everyone assigned a task...(yes, everyone...even the little ones) we were able to complete packing by 1am!!! Dawn of the fateful day...I was busy creaming 2 different icings for the 140 cupcakes I had made the night before. A quick stop over at the school at 8.30 for decorating the stall and I was back home to complete icing the cuppies. Finally managing to get to the school with all the goodies at 10.45....I was greeted by Jin and Felicia again....bless them. We started selling and my banker/cashier Jin ,was as expected SUPER efficient at managing the cash. At the end of the day we had collected $680.00 and managed to sell out every thing in the stall. Yeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!!! so happy with the results...specially because they will go directly towards the Computer Lab at the school.

I had to thank all the wonderful volunteers at my stall and this is my way of saying a big thank you to all the parent volunteers for helping out at the cake stall at Anya's school's Spring Fair. I baked close to 40 Custard Yoyo's and packed and labelled them and personally delivered them to the volunteers.
Thank you Jin, Felicia, Jaya, Deva, Dewi, Beena, Amanda, Prasad and Mica. With such fantastic support I look forward to next years Spring Fair.
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  1. What I did was nothing compared to all the time and effort you had put in. I enjoyed the time we had together, not only got to taste first before anyone else (yum !) and also learning lots about cakes, cookies, decorations etc.

  2. humble as always..Jin....thank U.
