Thursday, September 3, 2009

Recipe for Basic Vanilla baby cakes

Ok! so how long does making 180 baby cakes from scratch take??? well .....lets say from start till the end (not including frosting) it took me 2.5 hrs. Given they had to be frosted and delivered by 4.45pm....I was running out of time. I finally managed to get all things into the boot of the car with the kids all dress up for the BIG...(yes....really big....THIS I'M TOLD BY MY 6YR OLD :)) PYJAMA STORY TIME at school , last evening. It was a huge success ( the story time, I'm told) and so were my baby cakes. Parent were invited to visit the school's library for the Book fair and have a cuppa with cake/cookies ...for a gold coin donation. This is my favourite quick recipe for basic Vanilla Butter cakes. This recipe would make: 1 6inch cake or 18 regular cupcakes or for the adventurous chef's 48 baby cakes. This recipe is taken from The Australian Womens Weekly Cakes and Cookies Booklet. The ingredients you would need:


125gm Unsalted Butter (chopped @ room temp.)
1 tsp Vanilla essence
3 eggs
2/3 cup Caster sugar
11/2 cups Self-raising flour
1/4 cup milk.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Place all ingredients in a eletric mixer and beat on low spead for 1 minute or until all ingredients are combined. Turn the speed to medium and beat for another 3-4minutes. By this time the mixture will resemble a paler colour. Pour or divide mixter into baking pan/trays and bake. For a single cake check after 30minutes and for cupcakes it would take 15-17 minutes depending on the our oven.
Turn cake/cupcakes on a wire rack top side up for cooling before spreading with your favourite frosting. ENJOY.
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  1. These are darn cute!!! Wondering, if I will ever want to bite into them!! :-)

  2. there are only a need to bite....just pop and mmmmmmjoy!!!
